Memories of Crann by Ngaire (sister)

Created by Ngaire 3 years ago
When Crann was learning to walk we saw him going up and down the garden path holding a bunch of knitting needles. we gradually took them away, we next saw him concentrating on his index finger!
It was late one summer evening there was a knock on the door and there stood a policeman holding Crann in one hand and his trike in the other, apparently Crann was found peddling along Ryde esplanade, so he was returned home to Sandown!  He was all of 3 and a half!
He became a cub and the hut was along the beach near Lake.  They were encouraged to pick up the rubbish.  One evening a policeman was with Crann at the front door, apparently Crann was  found under a Hooper beach hut burning the rubbish he had collected that evening!  Needless to say mother was not happy about what he had done.
He became a Queen scout!
We had one of  our sister's puppies. We called him Sheriff because he had a white star of fur on his chest. He was a cross between a poodle a border collie and a spaniel. Our pet name was Pooch but if you asked Crann he would say he was a Wellow Puddlington Lerch Hound because he weed many times when on a walk and he pulled on his lead.
Crann was befriended by the curator at the library museum in Sandown.  They would often go fossil hunting at Redcliff and Culver cliffs.  They found several fossils, one was an ammonite which was the size of  your hand, Mr Grapes the curator had it  polished it was amazing.
Crann attended a Fancy Dress party, he wore one of my ballet outfits a sleeveless costume with frills over the hips and hooks and eyes all down the back, covered in sequins, a pair of father's flying boots, 
an American sailor' s hat belonging to Richard J Cook junior of Pittsburgh Pennsylvania acquired one regatta evening.  Crann said he was a Poof in Boots!